frequently asked questions

feel free to submit questions here

q. is this unironic? like you absolutely, truly do revere and love the medic from team fortress 2, of all the characters you could have picked?

all unironic, all sincere. i'm aware that he's a 'meme' character, but that doesn't change my affections for him nor does it change the influence he has on me. i didn't 'pick' him, at least not consciously. i love this man with all my heart and the ubercharged hearts yet to be implanted in me.

q. you do know he's not real, right...?

yes, at least not in the traditional sense. i have my own thoughts on how reality is defined and, while i won't bore you with those here, i will say this; the truth is, he's as real as spongebob or mickey mouse or the terminator. an image that moves and can speak and a presence that i can't physically feel. but fiction somehow transcends barriers, and we find ourself feeling for what we know isn't real. obviously, not everyone takes it to the same extent that i or my ficto peers do, but don't tell me that you haven't cried at a movie or found yourself moved by a song or heavily invested in a video game. fiction changes us.

q. how do you feel about ships?

i'm fictionkin, with engineer being among one of my highest kins, so i do like some science party/engimedic. i'm not a fan of the other ships, particularly heavymedic, purely for personal reasons. also crackship moment but i do often pair him with daan from fear and hunger 2 because he's my highest kin and i have free will. and it's the objectively funnier pairing.

q. and dupes?

i respect dupes (provided they don't mistreat or degrade medic, of course) but i'm not someone who likes to interact with other dupes and will usually block them on sight.

q. what about real life relationships?

not a current interest for me and not something i can see myself getting into for the foreseeable future. they seem painful and awkward and unintuitive. if you enjoy them, i'm happy for you, but it's not for me.

submitted q. what kind of person does medic get along with? also i love u ur so smart and cool!!!! 🩻💉🧘🏥😷

the medic likes people who are accepting and receptive when it comes to his work. you don't have to know a whole lot about science, especially not the mad sort, but as long as you're open-minded and willing to let him ramble (and also maybe willing to let him try out a few tests on you), he might just take a shine to you. ALSO I KNOW WHO YOU ARE ILY TOO AAAUHGH

submitted q. does the dove watch you sleep.

his name is archimedes and yes he does. please make sure he doesn't fly into your ribcages while you're not looking.

submitted q. medic's favourite fish?

the lamprey! they're nasty little tubular bloodsuckers that exist in every sort of aquatic environment and latch onto fish to drain them dry, before leaving them unable to recuperate as their drill-like mouth secretes blood thinners. he admires their... versatility.

submitted q. Medic